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Billing Software In Transportation Sahiwal


 Billing Software In Transportation Sahiwal 2021

billing software in transportation

 Billing software for Transportation Management



In today's business arena, transportation cost can be a considerable portion of your operating expense. Changes in carrier service, rates, and procedures are causing management to look for ways to effectively control this puzzling area. You can reduce costs in freight bill auditing and payment while our high-visibility reports identify opportunity areas for logistics management improvement.

Among its features are:

  • Inquire on freight bills and payment
  • Pre-audit invoices
  • Payment of freight bills and related transportation invoices
  • Isolate transport cost for product cost measurement
  • Measure carrier utilization and service
  • Analyze traffic lanes for rate negotiations
  • Tabulate market region data
  • Prevent duplicate and over-payments
  • Data base can accommodate carriers, customers, vendors, plants, products and zip codes
    billing software in transportation

Accounting Reports:

  • Freight Bill Check Register
  • Check Stub Detail List
  • General Ledger Account Distribution and Report
  • Savings Report (billing errors and duplicate requests)
  • Activity Report
  • Purchase Order Report
  • Prepaid Report
  • Bill of Lading Report
  • Register of Payments: weekly, monthly, and yearly

Traffic Reports:

  • Carrier: profile, labels, detail, sac code or by city
  • Carrier summary: by plant, inbound, outbound, and total monthly shipments
  • Carrier Analysis: weight, plant
  • Customer: summary, profile, activity,

billing software in transportation

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